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North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyer: Best Practices to Prepare for Trial
October 5, 2022 at 7:00 AM
Three businesswomen

If you are a victim and are participating in a personal injury lawsuit, you need to know what to expect if the case heads to trial. Every civil lawsuit is different, so there are no guidelines or rules for what you can expect for your particular case. But there are some things that you can do to prepare.

This article will discuss the best practices to prepare for a personal injury trial and what you can expect.

What happens if your case goes to trial for a personal injury?

If your case goes to trial, there will be several phases. These include:

  • Selecting the jury
  • Listening to and giving opening statements
  • Listening to witnesses
  • Cross-examining witnesses
  • Jury instruction
  • Jury deliberation
  • Verdict

The best North Carolina personal injury lawyers can help prepare you for your case to put you in the best position to convince the judge and jury that the award that you are seeking is fair and justified. You want them to understand that you have been victimized due to someone else’s actions.

What can you do to prepare for your personal injury case

Here are a few things that can help prepare you in the event that your personal injury case goes to trial:

  1. Know the facts of your case. If your personal injury case heads to trial, it’s vital that you have your facts straight and can clearly articulate them to the lawyers, the jury, and the judge. Working with a personal injury lawyer can help prepare you for this part of your case.
  2. Be prepared to take the stand. One of the most nerve-wracking things about a case heading to trial is that you may have to take a stand. You can work with your lawyer and go over the types of questions you might be asked, so you can prepare your answers for anything that may come your way.
  3. Show evidence if possible. Visuals can make a strong case in court when it comes to proving that you are the victim and deserve just compensation. For example, if you tripped on the sidewalk because it was significantly raised and misformed, take a picture, if possible, to show that you are not at fault for your injury. Diagrams also work in cases where photographs or videos are not possible.
  4. Calculate the damages from your injury. Were you unable to work because of your injury? Did you wrack up significant medical bills? You will want to have the damages calculated before the trial. This can help show the jury that the compensation you are asking for is fair and just based on the injury that was caused.

Rodzik Law Group: North Carolina’s Personal Injury Lawyers

We’re here when someone else’s negligence causes you harm. When it comes to your health and wellness, finances shouldn’t stand in the way of getting the care you need. That’s why we’re tireless advocates for our clients, ready to go to court to fight for equitable compensation to get them the care they need. Because we’ve worked as personal injury lawyers for over 30 years, we can offer our guidance and advice for navigating medical care after you’re hurt. Our mission is to help our clients return to life as usual after an injury. We bring expertise and tenacity, whether negotiating with an insurance company or going to court to fight for what’s fair for our clients.

Take control of you case, schedule a consultation with Rodzik Law Group’s personal injury lawyers.