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Common Questions About Accident Lawyers In Wilmington
December 2, 2023 at 5:00 AM
Common Questions About Accident Lawyers In Wilmington

If you’ve been injured in an accident and are losing income because you cannot work, an accident lawyer in Wilmington may be able to help. This article will explain common questions typically asked about accident lawyers to provide you with more insight into how they may be able to help you.

1. What is an accident lawyer?

An accident lawyer, also referred to as a personal injury attorney, is a lawyer who provides legal services to those who have been injured in an accident as a result of the negligence of another person, company, or government entity. They primarily practice in an area of law referred to as tort law.

2. What should you do after you’ve been in an accident?

After you’ve been in an accident, several things would help build your case with an accident lawyer in Wilmington. You should do the following:

  • Take photos of your injuries
  • Visit a doctor if you haven’t already
  • Write down your account of what happened while it’s still fresh in your head
  • Compile a list of witnesses and their contact information if possible
  • Follow any additional instructions from your lawyer and doctor

3. How much does an accident lawyer in Wilmington cost?

Most accident lawyers in Wilmington want to work with you to help you get justice. The majority of personal injury attorneys will agree to work on your case with no money upfront. If you succeed in your case, they will take a small percentage of your recovery or settlement for their services. In addition, the accident lawyer you choose may deduct any costs paid upfront so that you can proceed with the case. You should always discuss costs upfront with your attorney before you select them as your lawyer.

Understand the intricacies and what costs are needed up front, and ask as many questions as you need so you’re all on the same page.

4. What can you expect during your personal injury case with a lawyer?

After your accident lawyer files your case, the other side is served with a copy of the paperwork. You then wait for them to reply and work on building your case by contacting witnesses, gathering medical evidence, and other evidence from the other party. After that, you and the other side bring preliminary motions to the court.

Your attorney may reach out to the other party to try and resolve the case. If a settlement is reached, you collect payment and the case ends.

5. How can an accident lawyer in Wilmington help you?

Every personal accident case is different, as are the facts. An accident lawyer in Wilmington can give you specific answers to any questions you may have based on the circumstances of your case. In addition, they can help you each step of the way to help you get the result or settlement you’re looking for. They will take the time to get to know you, your priorities, and the details of your case.

Are you looking for an accident lawyer in Wilmington?

At the Rodzik Law Group, our team has nearly 30 years of experience in helping clients secure the damages they're entitled to. If you've been injured in an accident and you think you have a personal injury claim, call us now at 910-762-1199 for a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We can advise you whether you have a case and what your prospects of success may be.